
Showing posts from July, 2018

Task VS Workload

What is mean by task vs workload? credit : google image Task is basically something or a piece of work that is need to be done. Something which are assigned to you, and need to be completed. Example of task is assignment from the lecturer ( for students ). Workload is the amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time. Normally, habits of delaying task will results in formation of workload and later lead to stress. credit : google image Workload can be seperated into two which is light workload and heavy workload. 1)light workload credit : google image    2) Heavy workload credit : So, how to manage the task and workload? credit :  shutterstock 1.  Get your priorities straight.  There will always be more work than you have time to complete. You aren’t going to get everything done. Accept it. Tasks that are both urgent and important must rise to t...

Task Versus Workload

      Tasks is defined as  defined as the uninterruptible crew activities that are required for the successful completion of the function or  duty, job, chore, stint, assignment,  that  means  a piece of work to be done . While  workload  the amount of work to be done by someone or something. This is the simplest and the most common to define task and workload yet the easiest to understand.       A task can be something that have been given by a person to another person. For example, Ali is working in one of the maritime manning agencies in Malaysia. He is attached with Operations Department. In  this department, all the documents of the seafarers under their company are being processed and taken care. Staff assigned in this department has to make sure that all documents and certificates  of the seafarers are up-to-date. And also, they have to make sure that the necessary training or refresher/ updating train...

Task vs Workload

Credit: Google Image First thing we have to do is understand the difference between task and workload. Those two words are not same actually even the meaning of both is about duty. Task means a piece of work to be done or undertaken while workload means a work or number of work units assigned to a particular resource over a given period. So we already know that task is only about one number of work or just a piece of work that doesn't give you any problems or stress to solve and finish it. But workload is a number which is more than one of work that you have to do and it can bring you trouble a lot and stress to make it finish.  Moreover, task and workload can be related to each other. For example, if you are delay your task it can be a lot of task that you still have to do later on. Then until one moment that your task become more which is be a lot number of task for you. So that will become workload for you. You will become struggles to finish all of your ...