Task Versus Workload

      Tasks is defined as defined as the uninterruptible crew activities that are required for the successful completion of the function or duty, job, chore, stint, assignment, that means a piece of work to be done. While workload the amount of work to be done by someone or something. This is the simplest and the most common to define task and workload yet the easiest to understand.

      A task can be something that have been given by a person to another person. For example, Ali is working in one of the maritime manning agencies in Malaysia. He is attached with Operations Department. In this department, all the documents of the seafarers under their company are being processed and taken care. Staff assigned in this department has to make sure that all documents and certificates of the seafarers are up-to-date. And also, they have to make sure that the necessary training or refresher/ updating training needed by the seafarer to update his documents and certificates are arrange accordingly. One day, Ali's boss come to his table and gives him a specific job to do and also he states on how long Ali has to finish the job. The job specified by Ali's boss is to find out, by looking in their system, all the seafarers whose training's validity will only last for a year and what are the training they have to update and refresh. Ali's boss tells also that Ali has to check how  much is the cost of this certain course, which training center this course must be taken and the over-all costing. Ali is being told by his boss that he has to submit the report a week after. Thus, this job being given to Ali by his boss can be considered as task. Whereas, there is s specific job work being assigned and also the time frame in which this job must be done is also stated. 



    On the other hand, workload will justify how much tasks or jobs you have to do on a certain period of time. Ali has been given a specific task by his boss and that is to deal with the training of each seafarer and to make report out if it. However, Ali has other job to do as well apart from the task given by his boss. And these job are the jobs being describe in his job description paper whom he signed when he was hired in the company. Few from the list are, to encode in the system the incoming certificates and documents of the seafarer which have been sent by the training centers after that crew or officers done his course; to encode all the personal and work details of the applicants and/ or newly hired applicants; to process the working Visa of the seafarer; and to arrange and process the contract of the crew and officers who are about to sign on. These are the examples of workload. These are the amount of jobs or work that Ali has to perform in daily basis. Thus, these jobs show how much workload Ali has. 




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