Task vs Workload

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First thing we have to do is understand the difference between task and workload. Those two words are not same actually even the meaning of both is about duty. Task means a piece of work to be done or undertaken while workload means a work or number of work units assigned to a particular resource over a given period.

So we already know that task is only about one number of work or just a piece of work that doesn't give you any problems or stress to solve and finish it. But workload is a number which is more than one of work that you have to do and it can bring you trouble a lot and stress to make it finish. 

Moreover, task and workload can be related to each other. For example, if you are delay your task it can be a lot of task that you still have to do later on. Then until one moment that your task become more which is be a lot number of task for you. So that will become workload for you. You will become struggles to finish all of your tasks that will cause your work that you have done is lack of quality. It is because you do it just to make your work done and you're not make it properly.

Obviously that if you are lazy and take easy with your duty, it will make yourself unhappy with your own job. You will feel like your job is burden yourself and cause you a lot of problems. There is possibility that it can further your problem into your family matter. You will become more aggressive and easy to get mad if something is not satisfying you. The relationship between you and your family or friends also can affected by that. 

However, there is a type of person who prefer to wait and collect a number of works to do and finish it all the way. For example, a student who delay all the homework that he or she must do and finish all of it during the weekend. Means that he manage to do his workload in one period of time that he already planned. Maybe the quality of the works that have been done are good because he do it with his own intention with a good mood. 

The conclusion is depends on you how you manage your task accordingly. It is not wrong for you to delay any tasks with a good reason. But remember that don't make your task be a workload for you. Manage your time properly for your duty, family, activities or something else. Then you can live your life happily. 


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