Task VS Workload

What is mean by task vs workload?

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Task is basically something or a piece of work that is need to be done. Something which are assigned to you, and need to be completed. Example of task is assignment from the lecturer ( for students ).

Workload is the amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time. Normally, habits of delaying task will results in formation of workload and later lead to stress.

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Workload can be seperated into two which is light workload and heavy workload.

1)light workload

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 2) Heavy workload

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So, how to manage the task and workload?

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1. Get your priorities straight. There will always be more work than you have time to complete. You aren’t going to get everything done. Accept it.
Tasks that are both urgent and important must rise to the top of the to-do list. Keep in mind, pressing work tends to take priority over the important tasks. Don't let this happen. Make sure you focus on both items.
2. Limit your time on tasks. The law of diminishing returns dictates that doing a certain task for an hour may be a good investment but spending five hours doing the same task may be time wasted. Make sure you do some tasks in limited quantities.
3. Avoid perfectionism.We’re not suggesting that mediocrity is acceptable. However, continuing to work on something long after the incremental effort stopped delivering value is not beneficial. Further, it sucks up your time, keeping you from doing other tasks that do create value. Perfectionism is what we do for ourselves.

As the conclusion, task and workload are normal things in our life. All we need to do is to manage it properly.


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