

     To differentiate between task and workload, it is very important for us to understand the meaning of it. Task is defined as assigned piece of work often to be finished within a certain time while workload is defined as .
     For a working person, both words are very normal as it is the nature of the work itself regardless the type of the job. Whenever a task is assigned to a person, the objective is to complete it before the due date. Upon completing the task, various factors can affect the task which develops challenges to finish the task.
    The factors are as follows, but not limited to:
·         Time
·         Cost
·         Skill

     Timing could affect the completion of the task if the period is too short. Cost may delay the task if the budget is insufficient. Other than that, lack of skill can make the task is harder to finished as the proper knowledge makes the process become slower.
    Not to forget that workload is worse than task because excessive workload can cause fatigue. Thus, it is so important that we must manage the workload accordingly, so that stress and fatigue can be avoided. Management skill is depending on how we apply it.
    As conclusion, no matter if the task or workload is assigned to individual or group, the way on how we manage it will create such a perfection or failure.


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