The Leader that i idol the most

Today, we have seen a lot of leaders that inspire people in many ways. According to dictionary, leader is defines as the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. Followers of the leader might follow the leader because of respect or afraid. So it depends on the leader on how he or she leads that particular group.
For me, there are many leaders that inspire me a lot. But, the leader that I idol the most is Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad was the founder of Islam religion. He was a prophet and God's messenger. He is the final prophet of God in all the main branches of Islam.

Throughout his life, he is admired and yet followed until today by so many people in the world. Even his followers are following the way he lived which is called “sunnah”. According to Wikipedia, The Sunnah represents actions and sayings of Muhammad (preserved in reports known as Hadith ), and covers a broad array of activities and beliefs ranging from religious rituals, personal hygiene, burial of the dead to the mystical questions involving the love between humans and God. The Sunnah is considered a model of emulation for pious Muslims and has to a great degree influenced the Muslim culture. states that, The Holy Prophet of Islam possessed the magnificent status of prophecy and divine leadership, but his manners in dealing with the people and his way of life were so simple and gentle that when he was among the people and a newcomer wanted to know about him, he had to ask, `Which one of you is the Prophet'? 
1.       He had no love for luxuries or the illusions of this mortal world. He was never enchanted by any worldly things, and he invariably looked upon this world's life as a passing one. 
2.       The Holy Prophet of Islam spoke in short, meaningful sentences and was never seen or heard to interrupt anybody's speech.
3.       He never spoke with a morose face, nor did he ever apply rough, awkward words. Unlike grants and despotic rulers, the Holy Prophet of Islam never looked at those who were addressing him with half-closed eyes. 
4.       The Holy Prophet of Islam did not care to sit down in the seat of honour in gatherings, and on entering any place would sit down in the first empty seat available. 
5.       He did not let anybody stand up before him and treated others most respectfully. Of course, the virtuous people were most revered by him.
6.       The Holy Prophet was justly angered when he observed a violation of God's commands and of Islam and was most pleased at the good deeds. Both his pleasure and displeasure were for God. He would never allow anybody to accompany him on foot when he himself was riding. He would pick him up beside himself if he was able, and if not, the Holy Prophet of Islam gave him a time for an appointment in a given place and would ride alone.
7.       On group journeys, the Prophet would work like the others and would never let anybody work instead of him. Once on a journey, his companion asked him to allow him to do the work. In answer to this request, the Holy Prophet of Islam said, `I do not like to be treated as if I were privileged because God does not like any of His creatures to consider himself privileged or to be treated as if he were privileged over others'. And he got up and collected firewood. 

8.       He invariably stood by his words and pledges. He paid affectionate visits to his relatives and friends but would never take their side unduly. The Holy Prophet of Islam would never permit anybody to backbite others and said, `I want to meet people with a loving heart'.
His modesty was peerless. He was extremely patient, tolerant, and forgiving. 
9.       Anas ibn Malik, who was the servant of the Holy Prophet of Islam, has narrated, `I used to prepare milk for the Prophet to break his fast with. One night he was home late. Thinking that he had been a guest at somebody's house and thus had broken his fast there, I drank the milk. Before long he returned home. I asked his companions if he had broken his fast and they said that he had not.
`When the Holy Prophet of Islam was informed of the matter, he made no remark about it and behaved as if he were not hungry at all and went without supper with a cheerful face. The next day he also fasted. 
The Holy Prophet of Islam immensely loved the ritual prayers, but on occasions when people demanded to talk to him about something, he would say his ritual prayers briefly and instead, pay attention to the demands and needs of the people. He would spare no efforts to fulfill the people's needs.
The Prophet treated everyone with great respect and considered nobility and honour to be owing to faith, piety, and good behaviour. He was not interested in wealth or status, nor did he revere anybody for his riches or position.
His behaviour towards slaves was amazingly affectionate, and he would do his best to remove the troubles and sufferings of the slaves and the poor.

In conclusion, by having a very good behavior, you can influence other people to follow the good things. It will have a good impact in other people that will change their manners in a good way. A great leader like him will always being followed as a good example not to muslim only, but to all people in the world.


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