The leader that I admire the most.

Of all the leaders of the world, I admire Vladimir Putin, the PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA the most.

The reason why the youth should idealize people like Putin is because he is not only the President of one of largest countries of the world but is also the most influential man of the world leaving behind Barack Obama to second place as per Forbes List, 2017. He has 110million supporters which accounts to almost 80% of the Russian population which is a huge number in itself.
 Russia has seen everything which is the fall of the monarchy, the collapse of democracy, the great depression, World War II with its tens of millions of Russians dead and have witnessed a past president like Boris Yeltsin who was not only corrupt but also more of an ignorant and comical people's leader who bought shame to Russia on various major events during his tenure. 

 A very important quality of a leader is that he should think about the well being of its followers and act for the betterment of everyone irrespective of having support of thousands or not. A leader should be bold and fearless in whatever he does. Putin is known to be fearless and bold in his decisions and defending himself everytime some one puts any allegations on him without any proof. Previously he was accused for the loss of Hillary Clinton in the US presidential elections and he gave a befitting reply to Obama for the same.
Russia is also a rich country, containing some of the largest deposits of raw materials, from oil and natural gas to nickel and aluminum. Culturally, it has often thought of itself as the third Rome, preserving Christianity even as Rome and Byzantium fell to the Barbarians.
Putin understands Russia. But he also understands the world. He is not foolish enough to make a frontal assault on America or Europe. Instead, he knows how to use power asymmetrically, with cyber tools and disinformation.

Putin’s objective is not so much to revise the USSR, but to revive and strengthen Russia. He had successfully put a lid on internal terrorism, ended wars in Chechnya, restored stability and Russians’ confidence in themselves. He had started rebuilding the economy from the ruins of the 90-s anarchy. Putin has continued the transition to capitalism and the free market in Russia and initiated introduction of democratic institutions. Is Russian economy where it could have been? Not by a mile. The income tax rate for individuals is still 13%, the pension age is still 60 years for men and 55 for women. Yes, there is an outflow of capital and corruption, but it is getting under control and that should be stemmed, but there is no restriction on the freedom of movement out of Russia. Watching Russian media, even though most of it is biased, confirms that there is a place for critics of Putin.


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