DOTA stands for Defend Of The Ancient. There are various types of hero with main attribute of intelligent(int),agility(agi) and strength(str). Intelligent heroes usually used too many mana because intelligent hero is a caster and have high damage skills while agility heroes are very weak in the early game but can become even stronger in the mid and late game if they get enough farm in the early game and lastly the strength heroes usually tanky and hard to kill . The higher the intelligent, the higher the mana pool and the higher the magic damage. The higher the strength,the higher the health pool. The higher the agility, the higher its physical damage. But some heroes depend on its main attribute, if it's an int hero, her/his physical damage will also increase if she/he buy int based attribute item to the hero and same goes to str and agi heroes.

Lets start with my 1st fav hero and etc which I used to learn how to play dota .

1.Phantom Assassin
This hero was my 1st melee hero and with such a small damage in the early game but when it reach lvl 6, you can upgrade your ulti and she can do enormous amount of physical damage with 1 hit if you are lucky enough . Since I like this hero too much and I have spent some of my money to buy the arcana(manifold paradox) on this hero to make it look more beautiful and the effects was amazing.
Manifold Paradox

2.Drow Ranger

This hero was my 2nd hero and my 1st ranged hero. Same like Phantom Assassin early game with low damage and when she reach lvl 6, her damage increase because of her ulti which increases her agility .


I learned how to play this hero because of The International 2015(TI5). I watch the pros gameplay and I really liked how they play this hero because this hero can deal high amount of magic damage in anytime because his ulti refresh all the cooldown of his skills and items which means he can use all of the items and skills after he uses his ulti.


Enigma also become 1 of my fav because of his ultimate which is known as the black hole and can be the game changer. His blackhole have quite a big area of effect which can disable most of the enemy's team heroes. If you are lucky enough, you can disable the whole team if they stick close to each other and your team can wipe them out while they get disabled. That's why it can be the game changer.His ulti can't be dispel unless there are someone outside the blackhole disable the Enigma while he's channeling his blackhole.


Lastly, this is one of the most annoying hero in dota when I'm still new to this game. But then I tried to play this hero. At first try, I played this hero very bad but with some practice,I somehow managed to play this hero. This hero increase his magic resistance and strength everytime he gets a kill or gets an assisst.

That's all from my fav character in dota 2 . But that is not all of my fav character . xD

Images was taken from:

If you want to know more about dota heroes, you can go to this website


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