Oreo cake

Hi everyone. Today I want to share with you on how to make a simple OREO cake.

What we need  :

1. Fresh milk

2. OREO.

Step 1 : Put one packet (big) of OREO into the blender.

Step 2 : Add about two to three glass of fresh milk. Then blend the mixture.

the mixture of milk and Oreo 

Step 3 : Pour all the mixture into a container.

Step 4 : Heat up the water in the steamer for about 10 - 15 minutes.

Step 5 : Put the container ( with mixture ) inside the steamer.

Step 6 : Steam the mixture for about 30 - 35 minutes.

Step 7 : cool the cake in the fridge for at least 3 hour.

Step 8 : Now it is ready to be served.


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