Most expensive gems in the world

Eyes of world

1 . Diamond

  • $ 15,000 per carat
  • Pure carbon arranged in a diamonds are pure carbon arranged in a diamond lattice , which accounts for its incredible strength and durability
  • Found in cooled kimberlites that formed over the course of 1 to 3 billion years 

2 . Serendibite

  • $ 18,000 per carat
  • An extremely rare gemstone and mineral discovered originally in Sri Lanka in 1902
  • Has a complex chemical formula with many side branches of calcium , boron , aluminium , magnesium , etc .
  • Recently discovered in the Mogok are of Myanmar

3 . Grandidierite

  • $ 20,000 per carat
  • First discovered in Madagascar in 1902
  • Commonly found as an accessory mineral on aluminous boron rich rocks with a pearly semitransparent bluish green hue

4 . Taaffeite

  • $ 35,000 per carat
  • Surprisingly , first discovered already cut and polished in Dublin , Ireland in 1945
  • At the time the gemstone was mislabelled as spinel ans upon further inspection , it was determined that the mineral was actually a new unidentified gem
  • The primary difference between spinel and Taafeite is the double refraction found in the later
  • Found in alluvial deposits within Sri Lanka and Tanzania

5 . Red Diamond

  • $ 1,000,000 per carat
  • There are less than 30 red diamonds found around the world , with most of them being less than half a carat
  • Derived from plastic deformation of the crystal lattice
  • The famous 5.11 carat Moussaieff Red Diamond was acquired in 2011 for $8 million and is the largest red diamond discovered in the world

Source : Forbes


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