King of fruit in Malaysia

Durian is a type of fruit available in Malaysia. It is also known as king of fruit in Malaysia. Durian is called the ‘king of fruits’ by locals and, at first glance,it is not hard to see why this hard-shelled, thorny green fruit earned the name

There are many types of durian available in Malaysia, but I would like to recommend the best three only.

1. Musang King
Musang King or ‘Mao Shan Wang’ in Chinese is the most popular durian type in Malaysia. The durian comes with golden yellow flesh and the taste is creamy, filling and satisfying.The prices of Musang King rocketed from RM 20 per kg a couple years ago to RM 120 per kg.

musang king flesh
credit : google image

musang king
credit : google image

2. Black thorn durian
The reason it is called Black Thorn because there is a small black ‘tail’ at the bottom of the durian.This durian is quite unique with its pale orange flesh. The taste is creamy and bitterness.The flesh is not as thick like Musang King.From RM 40 per kg a few years ago, now it can fetch up to RM 105 per kg. Black Thorn durian is quite rare to find. 

black thorn durian
credit : google image

black thorn durian flesh
credit : google image

3. Red prawn durian
Why it is called Red Prawn is the flesh is orangey reddish colour (usually yellowish orange color). It is sticky and comes with a little sweet after taste but overall the taste is very enjoyableRed Prawn Durian is usually around RM 20 – RM 30++ per kg.

red prawn durian
credit : google image

red prawn durian flesh
credit : google image


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