Tips on How to Start Running

Are you planning to engage in running? Or, are you an health enthusiast and have been engaged to other exercises already? or are you planning to add running in your list of daily routine? Well, you can really start off running when you have spent at least two to three weeks of walking or other form of exercises. It is a sort of preparation for your body.

Start with short long walks/short runs. While it’s tempting to just go out and run as fast as you can for as long as you can, you’ll ultimately run longer, feel stronger, and stay injury free if you start by adding short bouts of running to your regular walks and gradually increasing the amount of time that you spend running.

Get a training plan. Look for a good training plan for beginners. There are a lot of available training plans that you can find in the internet. And one good thing is, it is for free. You can find a 5-km training plan for a start, maybe. Then later you can increase your distance if you feel you can do it. Just always listen to your body.

Keep your calories in balanceOnce you start running, it’s important to eat to stay energized while also keeping out the extras that make you feel sluggish and drag you down. At each meal, about half of your calories should come from healthy complex carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. About one quarter of your calories should come from heart-healthy unsaturated fats, like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. And the remainder of your calories should come from sources of lean protein, like soy, fish, lean poultry, eggs, and beans.

Get your gear. The right pair of running shoes will mean a more comfortable run and lower risk of injury. Most running specialty stores can analyze your gait and tell you which sneakers will work best for the way your foot lands, the amount of cushioning you like, the kind of terrain you're running on, and how many miles you're running each week.

Be patient. Many of the positive changes that are happening when you start exercising won’t be visible in the mirror or on the scale. The weight loss will come if you’re consistent, but it takes time to condition your muscles, ligaments, and tendons.


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