The unknown sharks in deep water

A darker side

1 . The goblin shark . It can be found in the waters of the Indian Ocean , the western and eastern Atlantic Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean . Their bodies range from pinkish gray to bubblegum pink in colour .This type of shark has unique snout and tooth structure . The habitat live in bottom of the ocean as low 3940 feet (1200m) .

2 . The Prickly Dogfish Shark . It can be found lives in the temperature waters off of Australia and New Zealand . It has also been referred as Rough Shark , Prickly Shark or as"pepeke"by the Maori people in New Zealand .

3 . The Basking Shark . It can be found in cold and warm temperature waters . It is also known as the Cetorhinus Maximus , is the second largest fish in existence ( the first is the whale shark ) . These shark often travel to Mediterranean sea , the Pacific Ocean , the Atlantic Ocean , the sea of Japan , near New Zealand and Southern Australia . Although the size of the Basking Shark is large , its diet only consists on plankton . Their mouth are extremely large , they can be well over 3 feet (1m) in width .

4 . The Frilled Shark . Also known as living fossil , is one of the least seen among sharks because of the depth in deep of the sea the habitat live .Frilled shark is most likely look like an eel . This type of shark usually found in Australia , New Zealand , Southeast Asia , West Africa , Chile or the Caribbean . The diet of Frilled Shark are squid , cuttlefish , octopus and other shark . 


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